South Korea’s top nuke envoy to visit US

Seoul, Jan 8 : South Korea’s top nuclear envoy will visit the US this week to discuss the Korean peninsula’s nuclear issue, an official said on Monday.

Lee Do-hoon, special representative for the Korean peninsula peace and security affairs, will visit Washington from Wednesday to Friday, South Korea’s Foreign Ministry was cited as saying by Xinhua news agency.

During the visit, Lee will meet his US counterpart Joseph Yun, a chief negotiator at the six-party talks for the denuclearised Korean peninsula.

Lee will also meet key figures of the US government in charge of North Korea affairs, the Foreign Ministry said.

The South Korean envoy will make an indepth discussion with the US officials on ways to peacefully resolve the peninsula’s nuclear issue and improve inter-Korean relations.

Lee’s visit to Washington would come a day after the high-level talks between South and North Korea on January 9 in the truce village of Panmunjom.