Foreign Ministry spokesperson of China, Hua Chunying (File Photo)

Beijing Dec 27 (IANS) China on Wednesday urged India and Pakistan to maintain peace along the LoC, which has witnessed a spurt in cross-border firing including the killing of three Pakistani soldiers by Indian Army commandos this week.

China, which maintains a neutral position on the Indian-Pakistan dispute, asked the two countries to stay committed to the peace and stability of the region.

“We have noted the relevant report. As a common neighbour and friend of Pakistan and India, we hope India and Pakistan can continue to properly resolve the relevant dispute through dialogue and consultation and jointly stay committed to the peace and stability of the South Asian region,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said.

She was replying to a question about the killing of at least three Pakistani soldiers by Indian Army commandos who went some 300 meters across the LoC.

It was “tit-for-tat” operation after four Indian Army men, including a Major, were shot dead in a surprise attack by Pakistan.