US nuclear posture review deviates from peace, development: China

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Geng Shuang (File)

Beijing : The US 2018 Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) holds Cold War mentality, plays the zero-sum game and deviates from peace and development, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson said here on Monday.

The document released by the US Department of Defence last week has been considered as the guiding principle for the future US policy seeking enhanced nuclear deterrence, Xinhua news agency reported.

The Pentagon document focused on geo-politics and competition between major countries, stressed the role of nuclear weapons in security policies and disregarded the call for nuclear disarmament, said Geng Shuang, the spokesperson of the Foreign Ministry.

Referring to the fact that the US owns the world’s largest and most advanced nuclear arsenal, Geng said the US’ move to increase its nuclear power would lead to a global strategic imbalance.

If the US dropped the goal of protecting nuclear-free states, it would harm the process of the international nuclear disarmament, Geng said.

He said China actively promotes the building of a community of shared future and supports security views featuring cooperation and sustainable development.

China supports and advocates complete prohibition and thorough destruction of nuclear weapons, Geng said, adding that China adheres to the policy of no-first-use and undertakes not to use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against countries and regions without nuclear power.

China has never and will not participate in any form of nuclear arms race, and the above policies have remained unchanged since China first possessed nuclear weapons half a century ago, he said.

Any attempt to distort China’s policies to make excuses for the expanding of the US nuclear arsenal will be in vain, Geng said.

“We hope the US side can abandon the outdated notions of Cold War mentality and the zero-sum game, bear its special role in nuclear disarmament and take concrete action on global peace and stability,” he said.