Trump hails North Korea’s pledge to dismantle nuclear test site

US President Donald Trump (File Photo)

US President Donald Trump

Washington : US President Donald Trump on Saturday praised Pyongyang’s announcement to dismantle its nuclear test site, saying it was “a very smart and gracious gesture.”

The North Korea announced earlier on Saturday that it will hold a ceremony for the dismantling of its nuclear test site on May 23-25, taking a step forward towards the denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula, reports Xinhua.

Pyongyang said that it will detonate explosives in all tunnels of the test ground, completely block entrances, remove all observation facilities, research institutes and structures of guard units at the test-facility.

In parallel with dismantlement of the nuclear test ground, guards and researchers will be withdrawn and the surrounding area of the test ground be completely closed.

Referring to the move, Trump tweeted that the North Korea planned dismantling was “ahead of the big Summit Meeting on June 12th.”

“Thank you, a very smart and gracious gesture!” he wrote.

Trump is scheduled to meet the North Korea top leader Kim Jong Un on June 12 in Singapore.

Published on May 13, 2018 at 07:00 IST