A step in right direction: NC on Omar Abdullah release

Omar Abdullah (Photo: Omarabdullah/Twitter)
Photo: OmarAbdullah/Twitter
Srinagar: National Conference Provincial Chief Devender Singh Rana on Tuesday welcomed the release of former Chief Minister Omar Abdullah, describing it a step in right direction
“It is a defining moment that will go a long way in further strengthening democracy and initiating genuine political activities in Jammu and Kashmir”, Rana said in a statement issued from Sher-e-Kashmir Bhavan here.
Had lunch with my mum & dad for the first time in almost 8 months. I can’t remember a better meal even though I’ve been in a bit of a daze & don’t remember what I ate ☺️ pic.twitter.com/W4duuhCVjI
— Omar Abdullah (@OmarAbdullah) March 24, 2020
Rana expressed the hope that release of Omar Abdullah will lead to release of all other political leaders against whom there are no criminal charges. This is imperative for generating an atmosphere of trust and creating conducive conditions to resume healthy political discourse in the larger interest of the people.
He said National Conference has always been a strong votary of democracy and secularism, which he described as the cherished agenda of Sher-e-Kashmir Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah and political philosophy of the party that stands guarantee to steering Jammu and Kashmir to peace and prosperity.