Pune Mayor Murlidhar Mohol tests Covid positive, under treatment

(Photo: Facebook )
Photo: Facebook
Pune: Political and medical circles went into a tizzy after Pune Mayor Murlidhar Mohol announced on Saturday that he has tested positive for Covid-19 at the height of the war against the virus.
In a tweet, the wrestler-turned-politician said that after he complained of mild fever, he underwent a Covid-19 test which turned out to be positive.
“My condition is stable. I shall recover soon and return to your service again,” Mohol said on Saturday evening.
थोडासा ताप आल्याने मी माझी #COVIDー19 टेस्ट केली असता, ती पॉझिटिव्ह आली आहे. माझी प्रकृती स्थिर असून लवकरच बरा होऊन पुन्हा तुमच्या सेवेत असेल. उपचारादरम्यान सर्व यंत्रणांच्या संपर्कात राहून परिस्थितीचा आढावा घेत राहील.
मुरलीधर मोहोळ, महापौर— Murlidhar Mohol (Modi Ka Parivar) (@mohol_murlidhar) July 4, 2020
He added that during his treatment, he would remain in touch with all the government apparatus to monitor the coronavirus status in Pune.
With 826 deaths and 25,454 patients, currently, the Pune city and the district are the third worst-hit by Covid-19 after Mumbai and Thane in the state.
Mohol was elected the Bharatiya Janata Party Mayor in November 2019.
He becomes the fourth high-profile politician to test positive for Covid-19 after Cabinet ministers Jitendra Awhad, Ashok Chavan and Dhananjay Munde, who were also infected in the past few months and have recovered.
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