Muzaffarpur ex-Mayor Samir Kumar, driver shot dead

Picture For Representation (IANS)

Picture For Representation (IANS)

Patna :  Former Muzaffarpur Mayor Samir Kumar and his driver were shot dead on Sunday night by unidentified assailants in the Bihar town, police said.

Samir and his driver, who was not identified immediately, were fatally shot by motorcycle-borne criminals armed with an AK-47 assault rifle.

The criminals hailed the former Mayor’s SUV to a stop at the Banaras Chowk in Muzaffarpur. As they stopped, the assailants fired dozens of bullets at Samir and his driver and fled, a police official said.

The crime has created panic in Muzaffarpur. Police has registered a case.

 Published on: Sep 23, 2018 at 22:57 IST