Kerala elderly couple recovers from Covid-19, leaves for home

Kottayam (Kerala): An octogenarian couple in Kerala who was under treatment at the Kottayam Medical College hospital after testing positive for coronavirus, was discharged on Friday after recovery.

The husband 93-year-old Thomas and his 88-year-old wife Mariamma left for their home at Ranni in Pathanamthitta.

“Thanks to all, we are really humbled that we are able to go home only because of the work of the entire medical professionals who took care of us,” said the elderly couple.

They where wheeled out of the ward and put in an ambulance and the mood was sombre as the nurses, doctors and other staff waved at them, as they waved back.

Sajith Kumar and his team of doctors were looking after the couple since March 9 , when they were admitted here.

“It was because of systematic team work that we were able to do this. There were times when the going got tough as Thomas developed cardiac problems. But everything was managed and they have been cured,” said Kumar.

The couple will now have to remain in isolation for 14 days at their home, on account of other underlying ailments.

Incidentally, one nurse who was taking care of the couple since their admission, later tested positive but has also been discharged after treatment.

Trouble started for the aged couple when their son, his wife and son arrived from Italy on February 29.

Things turned sour when the three, their cousin, the aged couple and the two who drove them from the airport to their home at Ranni developed symptoms of coronavirus and tested positive.

All of them were later discharged after treatment with the couple being the last to be allowed to go home.